
Turkiye II


Ahmet Hasim, prominent poet and critic, criticizes the First Architectural Movement in Turquey  in ¨Gurabahane-i Laklakan¨ (1928):
¨Ever since young poets have started to compose in the modern meter and ever since some have started to conduct the music of Turkish saz with a baton, a medrese architecture, to which we are unable to assign a name, has spread among our architects. Hotel, bank, school, porthouse are each a caricature of a mosque, with a minaret missing on the outside, and a minibar on the inside. Our architects call this style of building ¨Turkish architecture¨ ¨.

3 comentarios:

  1. Interesante, ¿como diste con esto?

  2. Es del mismo libro que la publicacion Turkiye I, lo estoy leyendo tranquilamente y compartiendo aqui algunos fragmentos, es bastante interesante.

  3. ignacio, que pìensas de la foto respecto al texto?
